Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Still with us???

OK, its been awhile since I've posted. To be honest, I post so much on Facebook about what we've been doing, I forget to update this too. Mason has started 1st grade and loves it. Hayden is still cracking us up with humor and Rex has started taking steps and started dayschool last week with Hayden. I'm still working part-time and Larry is staying quite busy with the law office and title company. Mason started back at soccer and seems to like it. Enjoy the pictures from the summer.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

It's been so long.....

OK, I know I've really let all of you down, but for some reason I've had trouble loading my pictures on my laptop and didn't think anyone would read if I didn't have pictures to share. We've had a very busy past few months. Mason completed Kindergarten and is getting ready for 1st grade. He won the 'Most Read Books' in his class by reading over 175 books by himself over the course of a year. He played both soccer and t-ball this spring and attended his first ever football camp last week at Carson Newman College. He really enjoyed it. He also turned 6 June 1.

Hayden turned 3 June 15. He got a bike for his birthday so it's never a dull moment with him riding everywhere. He continues to be the comedian in the family switching back and forth between his Brooklyn accent and his British accent. He cracks us up with the things he says.

Rex is almost 11 months and is pulling up everywhere and isn't afraid to crawl on concrete or any other very uncomfortable surface. He's a super baby, but starting to get a personality. I think he'll take after Mason, but we'll see.

We've had a busy summer. We finished our Vacation Bible School last week and just got back from our first ever camping trip. WE had a great time and can't wait to go back. WE will be heading to the beach in a couple of weeks for a much needed vacation.

As soon as I can upload some pics, I'll post them.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 2009

We had a wonderful Easter and several days leading up to it. The boys had a great time at their school's egg hunts and then had 2 on Saturday. Hayden is so good at spotting eggs. Mason is busy with both soccer and t-ball. We aren't sure if he'll be able to do both since they are on the same days and pretty much the same time, so he may have to pick one. Rex is really starting to move. He is scooting on his belly to everything. Things around here are going to be changing. Our house is not baby proof. Hayden is all about counting down until his birthday. He's always asking 'Who's birthday's next?'. I'm getting ready for the Nashville Half Marathon. I did the Knoxville one a couple of weeks ago, so I think I'm ready for #2. Here are some pics from Easter.

Monday, April 6, 2009

New pictures

OK, so I haven't been the best at updating the blog. We are getting ready for spring and warmer weather and hopefully more blog updates. Enjoy the pictures from this past weekend in Nashville celebrating Jada's birthday and Rex is almost 8 months.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Zoo and the new house

The weather was so nice and Mason was out of school last Friday, so the 4 of us headed to the zoo. They had a great time seeing the animals. I've also included some pictures of the house, especially my favorite room, the kitchen.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Rex's Half Birthday!

It's hard to believe that Rex is 6 months old. We celebrated yesterday(8th) with a 1/2 birthday cake. Mason and Hayden loved it. They love any excuse for cake. I felt sorry for Rex since he couldn't have any. We are also enjoying the warm weather. I'll be sure to post pics of the house soon.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The past month

Well, it's a been a month to the day since I've posted, so let me recap the month of January. I turned 32 at the beginning of January. It was a low key birthday since we were wrapping up finishing the house, but fun just the same. We moved January 17 and let me just say I love my new house. We are still getting settled and have a lot of stuff still at the old house that we have to sort through and move over. We are all enjoying the extra room. I'm loving my kitchen. Rex turned 5 months and is still a blessing in our family. We went to Nashville towards the end of January to celebrate my dad's 60th birthday. Mason celebrated 100 days at his school with a big celebration. He was out of school for a week due to weather. That was an interesting week having all 3 and trying to stay on top of my work. Larry is staying busy and is taking on some very interesting cases. Hopefully, I'll be able to share some details about them later. Hayden is still loving yellow cows and is working hard on potty training. The camera is at the old house, so there aren't any recent pics, but I wanted to update the blog anyways. Wish us luck on selling our other house.